Archives: Trainings

Domestic Abuse & Older People E’Learning

As part of National Safeguarding Adults week, SETDAB and the Safeguarding Adults Boards across Southend, Essex & Thurrock are launching the Domestic Abuse & Older People E’Learning package.

The e-learning package covers the following learning outcomes:

  • Increase understanding and knowledge of DA in older people.
  • Increase understanding of the role of Adult Safeguarding services where there is DA in older people.
  • Increase understanding of rights and entitlements.
  • Gain knowledge of service pathways to support victims and perpetrators.

This can now be accessed on the ESCA Academy partnership e-learning platform.  Please note we would recommend you complete both the SETDAB Domestic Abuse (DA)  Basic Awareness E’Learning and ESAB Safeguarding Adults Basic Awareness E’Learning before completing this.

The site is free to use for organisations across Southend, Essex & Thurrock. Please visit the site and register your details and on completion you will receive a certificate.


You can access the training by registering/logging on here




SETDAB Complex Needs Training – Thursday 18th November 2021

Event details:

Thursday 18th November 2021, 9:00 – 12:00am – Free Online Session


Objectives of the session are:

Improve awareness and understanding of Complex Needs:

To provide foundation information on what complex needs are.

Understanding a Trauma informed approach.

Insight into the window of tolerance.


Improve knowledge of services available:

Highlight current services and pathways.


Improve confidence in identifying and responding effectively to domestic abuse, mental health and substance misuse at the earliest opportunity:

Consider barriers to service users seeking support.

Develop skills to effectively question service users about their needs.

Highlight best practice regarding working with those with complex needs.


To book onto this training please click here.

MARAC Basic Awareness  E-learning package

SETDAB’s MARAC Basic Awareness  E-learning package can be accessed, by professionals, via the ESCA Academy partnership e-learning platform.

This site is free to use for organisations across Southend, Essex & Thurrock. Please visit the site and register your details. The e-learning package covers the following learning outcomes:

  • Gain an understanding of the primary focus of MARAC
  • Have knowledge of the aims of the MARAC process
  • Be able to recall the 10 principles of an effective MARAC
  • Have an understanding of the Southend Essex and Thurrock (SET) MARAC local data
  • Gain an understanding of the MARAC referral process
  • Have understanding of what information can and should be shared
  • Be able to recall high risk factors
  • Have the knowledge to submit quality referrals into MARAC

Please click here to register your details and access the package.

SETDAB’s LGBTQ+ Community & Domestic Abuse Basic Awareness  E-learning package

SETDAB’s LGBTQ+ Community & Domestic Abuse Basic Awareness  E-learning package can be accessed, by professionals, via the  ESCA Academy partnership e-learning platform

This site is free to use for organisations across Southend, Essex & Thurrock. Please visit the site and register your details. The e-learning package covers the following learning outcomes:

  • To have an understanding of the prevalence and complexities of domestic abuse in the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Increased understanding of the differences in domestic abuse experienced by LGBTQ+ victims.
  • To have an understanding of the barriers to accessing support for LGBTQ+ victims.
  • Improve confidence for professionals working with LGBTQ+ victims.
  • To have an understanding of how to meet the needs of the LGBTQ+ community.

Please click here to register your details and access the package.

SETDAB DA Awareness Week – Seminar’s


Following the launch of our new Southend, Essex & Thurrock Domestic Abuse Strategy 2020-2025, we will be hosting webinars that address each key outcome that features within our new strategy.

Target audience:

Professionals across agencies.


  • Work with our partners to introduce the work currently delivered across our 5 Key Domestic Abuse (DA) outcomes within our Southend, Essex & Thurrock (SET) DA Strategy 2020-25.
  • Promote DA services, resources and pathways.
  • Raise awareness of the SET DA website and news bulletin.

Key Speakers:

Each webinar will include key speakers, representing a range of agencies across the partnership, who will discuss key topics & services that fall under that outcome.

Webinar links:

Please note these will all be online seminars delivered on Microsoft Live Stream. To join the event you will need to carefully follow the instructions provided on the links below.

Children and young people can recognise and form healthy relationships
  • Monday 23rd November 2020, 10:00-11:00am
People experiencing and at risk of experiencing domestic abuse are supported to be and feel safe
  • Tuesday 24th November 2020, 13:00-14:00pm
Everyone can rebuild their lives and live free from domestic abuse
  • Wednesday 25th November, 2020, 10:00-11:00am
Supporting and disrupting perpetrators to change their behaviour and break the cycle of domestic abuse
  • Thursday 26th November 2020, 13:00-14:00pm
Communities, professionals and employers are able to recognise domestic abuse at the earliest opportunity and have the confidence to take action.
  • Friday 27th November 2020, 10:00-11:00am

Charging Policy

Please note this event is free of charge.

SETDAB Privacy Statement

Southend, Essex and Thurrock Domestic Abuse Board are collecting this information for the purposes of managing training events.  Your responses will be treated in confidence and will not be passed to a 3rd party unless required to do so by law. We do not collect personal information for commercial purposes.

Recording of MARAC Bitesize Training


Target audience:  Front line workers and managers- those working with families affected by domestic abuse. This specific training will be an introduction to the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)

Aim: To increase awareness and understanding of the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) as well as an increased confidence in the relevant referral pathways.

MARAC Bitesize Training – Part 1

MARAC Bitesize Training – Part 2

MARAC Bitesize Training – Part 3

MARAC Bitesize Training – Part 4

Please note clicking on the above links will play the video in a new tab.


SETDAB Drug and Alcohol Basic Awareness E-learning

SETDABs Drug and Alcohol Basic Awareness E-learning package can be accessed on the ESCA Academy partnership e-learning platform:

This site is free to use for organisations across Southend, Essex & Thurrock. Please visit the site and register your details. The e-learning package covers the following learning outcomes:

  • Have an understanding of national drug and alcohol legislation and drug classes.
  • Understand the relationship between domestic abuse and substance misuse
  • Demonstrate knowledge of physical and psychological addiction.
  • Have an understanding of drug categories and side effects.
  • Be able to demonstrate knowledge of how to prevent drug related deaths.
  • Have knowledge of how to signpost and refer users to local support services.

Domestic Abuse Bitesize learning – MARAC (July)


Friday 3rd July 2020, 10:00-11:30am. The training is FREE of charge

This will be an online training session delivered on Microsoft Teams

Target audience:  Front line workers and managers- those working with families and perpetrators affected by domestic abuse. This specific training will be an introduction to the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)

Aim: To increase awareness and understanding of the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) as well as an increased confidence in the relevant referral pathways.

SETDAB Privacy Statement

Southend, Essex and Thurrock Domestic Abuse Board are collecting this information for the purposes of managing training events.  Your responses will be treated in confidence and will not be passed to a 3rd party unless required to do so by law. We do not collect personal information for commercial purposes.

Charging Policy

Please note this training is free of charge.

To apply for a space please click here.

Domestic Abuse Bitesize learning – MARAC


Tuesday 19th May 2020, the training is FREE of charge

This will be an online training session delivered on Microsoft Teams

Target audience:  Front line workers and managers- those working with families and perpetrators affected by domestic abuse. This specific training will be an introduction to the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)

Aim: To increase awareness and understanding of the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) as well as an increased confidence in the relevant referral pathways.

SETDAB Privacy Statement

Southend, Essex and Thurrock Domestic Abuse Board are collecting this information for the purposes of managing training events.  Your responses will be treated in confidence and will not be passed to a 3rd party unless required to do so by law. We do not collect personal information for commercial purposes.

Charging Policy

Please note this training is free of charge.

To apply for a space please click here.

Domestic Abuse Basic Awareness E’Learning Guidance

SETDAB have updated our Basic Domestic Abuse Awareness E-learning package which can now be accessed on the ESCA Academy partnership e-learning platform.

This site is free to use for organisations across Southend, Essex & Thurrock. Please visit the site and register your details. The e-learning package covers the following learning outcomes:

  • To recognise domestic violence and abuse and be aware of the dynamics, impact and the effects on individuals, agencies and society.
  • To understand the complexities that often surround Domestic Abuse.
  • To be aware of referral pathways for professional support and know how to access it.

The training should take you approx. 60 minutes to complete and on completion you will receive a certificate.

You can access the training by registering/logging on here