Archives: Trainings

SETDAB Lecture Series – Stalking Training delivered by Althea Cribb

Tuesday 6th December 2022, 10 -1pm Online via Microsoft Teams

Session Objectives:

  • Prevalence of stalking nationally
  • Impact of stalking on victims/survivors
  • The law around stalking (including briefly how this might overlap with the controlling and coercive behaviour offence)
  • Practical guidance for practitioner responses across different agencies

To attend the session via Microsoft Teams please save the link below in your calendar to access at the appropriate time:

Working with Perpetrators Workshop – The Change Hub – Monday 17th October 2022 – 09:30 – 12:30 – Chelmsford

Monday 17th October 2022 – 09:30 – 12:30 – Chapter House, Cathedral Walk, Chelmsford CM1 1NX

Target Audience:

Frontline workers and managers working directly with perpetrators of domestic abuse.

Objectives of the session are:

  • To have the skills to identify and challenge domestic abuse perpetrators and to feel confident to have difficult conversations.
  • To have the confidence to support domestic abuse perpetrators by referring them into specialist services.
  • For learning to be shared and applied to practice within organisations.

Spaces on this workshop are limited. To apply for a place please click here. If you are successful the SETDA Team will contact you via email to confirm your place.

Charging Policy

Please note this is a free event but late notice cancellations and non-attendance will incur a charge, you will need to complete payment information upon booking the course, this information will only be used if you cancel your place with less than 15 working days’ notice or do not attend on the day.

Our full charging policy is available at

SETDAB Privacy Statement

Southend, Essex and Thurrock Domestic Abuse Board are collecting this information for the purposes of managing training events.  Your responses will be treated in confidence and will not be passed to a 3rd party unless required to do so by law. We do not collect personal information for commercial purposes.

Complex Needs Training- Thursday 20th October 2022 – 09:00 – 12:00 – Chelmsford

Thursday 20th October 2022 – 09:00 – 12:00 –  Chapter House, Cathedral Walk, Chelmsford CM1 1NX

Objectives of the session are:

Improve awareness and understanding of Complex Needs:

  • To provide foundation information on what complex needs are.
  • Understanding a Trauma informed approach.
  • Insight into the window of tolerance.

Improve knowledge of services available: 

  • Highlight current services and pathways.

Improve confidence in identifying and responding effectively to domestic abuse, mental health and substance misuse at the earliest opportunity:

  • Consider barriers to service users seeking support.
  • Develop skills to effectively question service users about their needs.
  • Highlight best practice regarding working with those with complex needs.

Spaces on this seminar are limited, please click here to apply for a place. If you are successful, the SETDA Team will email you to confirm your place.

Charging Policy

Please note this is a free event but late notice cancellations and non-attendance will incur a charge, you will need to complete payment information upon booking the course, this information will only be used if you cancel your place with less than 15 working days’ notice or do not attend on the day.

Our full charging policy is available at

SETDAB Privacy Statement

Southend, Essex and Thurrock Domestic Abuse Board are collecting this information for the purposes of managing training events.  Your responses will be treated in confidence and will not be passed to a 3rd party unless required to do so by law. We do not collect personal information for commercial purposes.

SETDAB Lecture Series: Prescription Drug Misuse Training – Delivered by Open Road

Thursday 1st September 2022, 13:00 – 14:00 Online

Target Audience:

Front line workers and managers – those working with perpetrators and victims affected by prescription drug misuse.

Learning Objectives:

  • To have a better understanding of how to recognise behaviours associated with prescription drug misuse.
  • To have a better understanding of referral pathways and the support that Open Road can provide.

To apply for a place on this lecture please click here.

Please note that spaces are limited and if you are successful in applying for a place you will be contacted by the SETDAB Team and a Microsoft Teams Link will be sent to you.



SETDAB Lecture Series: Honour Based Abuse & Forced Marriage – Delivered by Bal Kaur Howard

Wednesday 14th September 2022, 14:00 – 16:00 Online

Target Audience:

Front line workers and managers – those working with victims and families affected by domestic abuse, so called honour based abuse and forced marriage.

Learning Objectives:

 To have a better understanding of:

  • the context of domestic abuse and so called honour based abuse
  • the definitions of honour based abuse/forced marriage
  • the differences between arranged/forced marriage and why they happen
  • the risk indicators/triggers why an individual may suffer honour based abuse/forced marriage
  • current legislation
  • how to challenge community/cultural beliefs
  • survivor stories

To attend the session via Microsoft Teams please save the link in your calendar to access at the appropriate time:

Domestic Abuse: A Lived-Experience, Male Perspective – Online Training with Andrew Pain

Thursday 14th July 16:00 – 17:30 – Via Microsoft Teams

As a long-term survivor of domestic abuse in a former marriage, Andrew is a lived experience survivor of female perpetrated domestic abuse and will share his story, from how he got caught up in an abusive relationship, to the challenges he faced as a man within the relationship, and the challenges he faced post-relationship, including parental alienation, lengthy court battles, social service involvement and the eventual changing of residency of his daughters.

Through his story, Andrew will also examine:

  • How we equip the next generation to better tackle domestic abuse and spot the signs for themselves?
  • How we can do more to support all victims of abuse, empowering men and women to speak up and seek help?
  • Why parental alienation is complex: not a black and white issue.
  • How our unconscious biases (confirmation bias, affinity bias, halo effect, horn effect, naïve cynicism bias) undermine sound judgement when evaluating other people’s experiences and motives.
  • Why our intuitive gut-based reasoning is flawed and how to make better decisions when time is tight.

To attend the session via Microsoft Teams please save the link below in your calendar to access at the appropriate time:

Domestic Abuse & Older People Lecture- Dewis Choice – 22nd June 2022

Domestic Abuse & Older People Lecture- Dewis Choice

Wednesday 22nd June 2022, 4-5.30pm – Online

Learning outcome:

  • Increase understanding and knowledge of DA in older people.

About Dewis Choice

Dewis Choice is a Welsh Initiative based at the Centre for Age, Gender and Social Justice at Aberystwyth University. Established in 2015, the Initiative uniquely combines a co-produced service with research on domestic abuse in later life. The bespoke service has been designed by and for older victim-survivors of domestic abuse, offering long-term intensive support for up to three years and providing a service for all older people except for those receiving in-hospice care. As such, it represents a response to the gap in service provision for this age group.

Dewis Choice is the first longitudinal prospective study globally to examine the decision-making processes of older victim-survivors as they seek help and access to justice. Dewis Choice has highlighted the diverse ‘lived experiences’ of 131 women and men aged 60 years and over who have experienced abuse from intimate partners and/or adult family members.

Elize Freeman

Elize Freeman is Service and Training Development Lead for the Dewis Choice Initiative.  She has co-developed and delivered training nationally for the Initiative to professionals from Social Care, Adult Protection, Health, Police and Domestic abuse, including bespoke training for SafeLives IDVA’s working with older people.  Elize co-authored “Transforming the response to domestic violence in later life,” practitioner guidance.

Elize is an accredited SafeLives Gender Based Service Manager, Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) and Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) and experienced Wellbeing Practitioner.  She is a Dementia Champion with the Alzheimer’s Society delivering Dementia Friends sessions to practitioners and community members.

Elize is a member of the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Abuse Steering Group and Mid and West Wales VAWDASV Delivery Group.

Rebecca Zerk

Rebecca Zerk is the Deputy Director for the Centre for Age, Gender and Social Justice based at Aberystwyth University. She is also the research project manager for the Dewis Choice Initiative. Rebecca is a published and experienced qualitative researcher working in the field of domestic abuse for over 12 years. Adopting inclusive research methods, including participatory action research, Rebecca’s role involves capturing the voices of those who have previously be silenced to bring about positive change in research, policy and practice.

To attend the session via Microsoft Teams please save the link in your calendar to access at the appropriate time:



Stalking Awareness – 26th April 2022 4:00 – 5:30pm – Online with Alison Bird

Learning outcomes:

  • Improve awareness & understanding around stalking.
  • Improve confidence in identifying stalking at the earliest opportunity.

Target audience:

Front line workers and managers – those working with victims and families affected by domestic abuse.

Alison Bird is the Training Manager and Clinical Lead for Stalking at Solace Women’s Aid. Alison has worked nationally and locally with stalking/domestic abuse survivors for over a decade and was one of the first established and accredited Independent Stalking Advocacy Case Workers (ISACs) in the UK. She is a leading expert in the anti-stalking field. She was part of the consultation with key stakeholders and MPs for both the Stalking Protection Orders 2020 and the long-awaited Domestic Abuse Draft Bill.

Alison is a Visiting Senior Fellow for Social Policy at University of Suffolk and alongside the University of Suffolk has just published research on the Victim’s Right to Review (VRR) in stalking cases that have been No Further Actioned (NFAd).

Alison was also featured recently in: The UK’s femicide epidemic: who’s killing our daughters? report by The Guardian. Alison is a speaker at national and local conferences as well as a trainer.  She is also a DHR Chair.  As an Associate of the National Stalking Consortium, she and her peers influence policy and policy makers on stalking matters.

To attend the session via Microsoft Teams please save the link in your calendar to access at the appropriate time:


Dynamics of Domestic Abuse, Mental Health & Substance Misuse Online Training – Bal Kaur Howard

Thursday 5th May 14:00 – 16:00 – Online

Founder of BKH Training, Bal advocates on the issues of honour-based violence. Bal herself was forced into a child marriage. Escaping after 9 years and disowned by her family, she uses her experience to raise awareness and reduce victim isolation. She was employed by Suffolk Constabulary, training police officers and partner agencies to enhance the service to victims. She was twice nominated at the IKWRO True Honour Awards for her dedication to ending honour-based violence in the UK. In 2018, she was recognised by the East Anglian Daily Times as one of Suffolk’s 100 most inspirational women.

Target audience:

Front line workers and managers – those working with victims and families affected by domestic abuse, mental health issues and substance misuse.

Aims & Objectives:

To explore the complexities of the dynamics of abusive relationships and its impact on victims of mental health and substance misuse/addiction.

To understand substance misuse to addiction and mental health in order to support victims of Domestic Abuse – what first?

To apply for a place on this training please click here.


Domestic Abuse & Older People E’Learning

As part of National Safeguarding Adults week, SETDAB and the Safeguarding Adults Boards across Southend, Essex & Thurrock are launching the Domestic Abuse & Older People E’Learning package.

The e-learning package covers the following learning outcomes:

  • Increase understanding and knowledge of DA in older people.
  • Increase understanding of the role of Adult Safeguarding services where there is DA in older people.
  • Increase understanding of rights and entitlements.
  • Gain knowledge of service pathways to support victims and perpetrators.

This can now be accessed on the ESCA Academy partnership e-learning platform.  Please note we would recommend you complete both the SETDAB Domestic Abuse (DA)  Basic Awareness E’Learning and ESAB Safeguarding Adults Basic Awareness E’Learning before completing this.

The site is free to use for organisations across Southend, Essex & Thurrock. Please visit the site and register your details and on completion you will receive a certificate.


You can access the training by registering/logging on here