Domestic Abuse: A Lived-Experience, Male Perspective – Online Training with Andrew Pain

Thursday 14th July 16:00 – 17:30 – Via Microsoft Teams

As a long-term survivor of domestic abuse in a former marriage, Andrew is a lived experience survivor of female perpetrated domestic abuse and will share his story, from how he got caught up in an abusive relationship, to the challenges he faced as a man within the relationship, and the challenges he faced post-relationship, including parental alienation, lengthy court battles, social service involvement and the eventual changing of residency of his daughters.

Through his story, Andrew will also examine:

  • How we equip the next generation to better tackle domestic abuse and spot the signs for themselves?
  • How we can do more to support all victims of abuse, empowering men and women to speak up and seek help?
  • Why parental alienation is complex: not a black and white issue.
  • How our unconscious biases (confirmation bias, affinity bias, halo effect, horn effect, naïve cynicism bias) undermine sound judgement when evaluating other people’s experiences and motives.
  • Why our intuitive gut-based reasoning is flawed and how to make better decisions when time is tight.

To attend the session via Microsoft Teams please save the link below in your calendar to access at the appropriate time: