Have you ever said or felt any of the following:

  • “When I get angry I just can’t control myself.”
  • “Sometimes when we argue I shout at my partner and the kids. They’re scared of me.”
  • “When I see my partner talking to other people I get really jealous.”
  • “I promised that I would never hurt my partner again. But I did…”
  • “After a few drinks things just get a bit out of hand.”

If you find yourself checking up on your partner, or ex-partner, frequently – listening to their phone calls, reading their texts, emails, checking their car mileage – you are behaving abusively.

If you frequently put your partner, or ex-partner, down – calling them names, criticising them, humiliating them – you are behaving abusively.

If you try to control your partner, or ex-partner, – telling them who they can or can’t see, where they can or can’t go, what they can or can’t wear – you are behaving abusively.

If your partner, or ex-partner, is afraid of what you will say or do, if you are being physically violent, emotionally abusing your partner, intimidating your partner, sexually abusing your partner – you are behaving abusively.