20th Nov 2020 Campaign

SETDAB Domestic Abuse Awareness Campaign 2020

Help & support for Victims

Domestic abuse is an incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and violent behaviour that can happen at any point in a relationship or after a relationship has ended. There are many forms of domestic abuse including physical, emotional, psychological, sexual and economic.

You may be in isolation, but you are not alone. There is a system in place if you are a victim of domestic abuse and afraid of being overheard when calling 999.

If you call 999 an operator will ask which emergency service you need. If you can’t talk the call will be forwarded to an operating system. If you press 55 the operator will transfer you to your police force as an emergency.

If you are experiencing domestic abuse and need help, and would like information and advice on domestic abuse please click here.

Support for people who want to change their abusive behaviour

Do you check up on your partner, or ex-partner frequently? Do you listen to their phone conversations or check up on their emails and texts? Do you put them down, call them names, or humiliate them? Do you try to control or intimidate them? Reflect on your abusive behaviour and get the help and support available to change.

The Change Project work alongside perpetrators of domestic abuse to help change their abusive behaviours to enable them to have healthy relationships in families, between individuals and in the community.

If you need to reflect on your abusive behaviour and want help to change please click here.


Stalking is a pattern of unwanted, fixated and obsessive behaviour which is intrusive and causes fear of violence or serious alarm or distress. Some of the methods of stalking a partner or ex-partner will use includes:

  • Criminal damage
  • Online abuse
  • Following or tracking
  • Bombarding emails, calls and texts
  • Leaving unwanted gifts
  • Using your children to get to you

Stalking is a criminal offence and carries a prison sentence.

If you have been affected by stalking and domestic abuse and would like information and advice please contact COMPASS, our single point of contact for local domestic abuse services.

In an emergency always call 999.

To view our previous Stalking campaign material and resources please click here.

Help & support for Children & Young People

For every person being abused there is someone else responsible for that abuse – the perpetrator. And all too often, children are in the home and being exposed and living with the impact.

For some young people the experience of domestic abuse can lead them to cause harm to those closest to them including partners, parents, siblings and other family members.

Young victims of domestic abuse are also more likely to experience abuse from an intimate partner later in life.

To get help and support for Children & Young People click here.

Spotting the signs of Domestic Abuse

Spot the signs of domestic abuse, these can include:

  • Excuses for injuries
  • Personality changes
  • Low self esteem
  • Loss of interest in daily activities
  • Seeming fearful
  • Skipping work or socials for no clear reason
  • Developing an alcohol or drug problem

If you notice a concerning change in the behaviour of someone you know, it could be a sign of domestic abuse. For more information and advice please contact COMPASS, our single point of contact for local domestic abuse services.