
Southend Young Person Drug and Alcohol Service (YPDAS)

Delivered by Open Road, Southend Young Person Drug and Alcohol Service support young people aged 12-17 years and the transitional age of 18-29, who are affected or experiencing issues with drugs and/or alcohol. They work with the young person to set and achieve their own personal goals, from stopping their use, to reduction plans or general education. This is a free and confidential service led by the young person, with the aid of experienced substance misuse workers. They are an outreach service, so we are able to come and see you wherever is most convenient for you.

In addition to this, they can also deliver training and education to professionals in order to support them in their roles working with young people.

With the right help and support, it’s possible for you to stay safe and get drug free. They work to raise awareness around substance misuse and provide support and advice for you and your family. Our service is free and confidential and includes:

  • One-to-one support
  • Group activities
  • Telephone or virtual support
  • NEET Support (for those not in education, employment or training)
  • Sexual health
  • Diversionary activities, Education and advice

If you’re a parent, carer, or professional and you need advice or info, please email us on:

Professionals can complete the attached referral form and send it to If you have a secure email you can send it to (secure email, can only accept CJSM/ and other government secure emails).

If you want to refer yourself or you are a parent/carer for an under 18, you can complete the online referral form on Open Road’s website under Support.