SETDAB Lecture Series: Changing Futures – Hosted by Phoenix Futures

Friday 8th September 10:00 – 12:00 via Microsoft Teams

The workshop will focus on a case study of an individual with a range of multiple and complex needs,  including domestic abuse, with an opportunity to discuss and reflect on their experiences /contact with various services.  The aims of the session are to:

• Raise awareness amongst partners as to how the ‘System’ is currently perceived by those using it.
• Improve understanding of current barriers for individuals and family/carers accessing services.
• Look internally and externally at service provision and identify gaps in delivery.
• Reflect on what can be done to improve provision and support system change.
• Consider future opportunities to support those with multiple and complex needs within our services with the input from those with lived experience.
• Reflect on how we can work together to achieve system change.

To attend the session via Microsoft Teams please save the link below in your calendar to access at the appropriate time: